viernes, 2 de abril de 2010


It seems that everything that´s happening in my life is like a curse, I don´t understand why.

Finally I got a job of my "area" but now I have doubts about it. Yes, it was a tough decision but I was sure that it was the best decision I could had chosen but now...................... now I´m not as sure as I was!!!!!!!

Everybody says that we have to be grateful for having money and a good job but what about doing what we love the most??? Our greatest passion like our profession, our career?? I think people forget that important and vital point.

Yes, the job is important but what if that is not enough???? What if you do it but you don´t feel plenty, happy??????

This serious attachment is killing myself, my mind and all my life. I feel like iI´m coming back to the beginning, I´m starting of zero and that puts me sad and depresse.

I have an excellent boss, my partners are......... wow!!!!!!! and it feels like my second home but............. Is that all it can be?????? My point is that I don´t see myself behind a computer actualizing data bases for the rest of my life without developing my most greatest passion like it is my career.

Yes, I have the title of "Comercial analizer" but it´s ONLY that, the name, no more. You can call me immature, unsatisfied and all you want but, being objective ANYONE could be able to do my work without a title, career or any kind of studies.

I don´t know where to go and that stresses me a lot. Luckly(or at least, I want to think that way :s)I have one month and a half to decide if I´m gonna stay or I´m gonna continue in the research of my only kind of lifestyle.

Is it gonna be good or bad?? I don´t know, but at the end the only thing that it matters is that it makes me feel plenty and happy!!!!!!!

This thing about no knowing where to go freaks my out!!!!!


1 comentario:

carolsams dijo...

pfffff..! me gustoopppp-! <3<3<3
Superrr reall :) !
tkm :)